Alessandro Paggi


AstroFIt 2 – COFUND fellow since March 1, 2019

Project ended April 30, 2020

INAF Research Centre: Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino

Email: alessandro.paggi at

Curriculum vitae


Project title: BAGSOFMR – Blazars and the gamma-ray sky: orphan flares, mirrors and rings


The applicant propose to perform an intensive and detailed study of the multi-wavelength variability of
Blazars through state-of-the-art simulations that will enable a deep insight of the physical processes at
work in these sources that represent the largest known population of gamma-ray sources in the sky. The
proposed work is based on a first analysis of models alternative to the “one-zone-within-BLR”
paradigm to study in fine details the correlated and uncorrelated multi-wavelength variability in
different kind of Blazars, making use of a refined code that can simulate light curves in different energy
bands and time dependent SEDs, the state-of-the-art 3D jet modeling for the overall stability and jetmodes,
and magnetic reconnection theory applied to particle acceleration in jets under conditions of
magnetic instabilities. In particular, this must be performed to model and understand the gamma-ray
variable emission of Blazars, making intensive use of Fermi and AGILE data to address two important
topics regarding Blazar physics, namely: A) the physics underlying the multi-wavelength variability of
Blazars and the origin of their gamma-ray emission and B) the study of the BL Lac-FSRQ dichotomy
under a structural and evolutionary framework.